Today (2002-03-23) Karlsruhe City Grid, "Central" Germany, hosted its 44th and 45th official Netrunner tournament. Second, we played Restricted Constructed, using Neal's Draconian Banned List #1 (see below). Only 4 players had brought decks, so we played round-robin. Final result: TRC Tag GMP gam mat AP 1. Dieter Geulen B4.42.01 8.0 5.0 3.0 54-26 2. Lukas Kautzsch 65.5B.35 6.0 4.0 2.0 46-27 3. Fabian Fritzer 1A.37.27 2.0 2.0 0.0 29-48 4. Michael Nock 1A.37.09 2.0 1.0 1.0 22-50 Match results (first game: first player = corp): round 1: Dieter - Fabian 10: 3 10: 5 Lukas - Michael 10: 2 10: 0 round 2: Dieter - Michael 10: 6 10: 2 Lukas - Fabian 6:10 10: 1 round 3: Dieter - Lukas 10: 0 4:10 Fabian - Michael 0:10 10: 2 Three Corp decks used Rent-to-Own, the winning fourth was a kind of Poison Pill (Dieters, ambush nodes, net/brain damage ice). One runner was a Bozomatic (with Cruising instead of JnJ and Skiviss as lock-down virus), another one used heavy drugs (Lucidrine, LSA, Lifesavers), R&DPF and Disintegrator, a third one aimed at multiple R&D access (Library Search plus R&D Interfaces) and the winning fourth had some Mystery Boxes and lots of IYWIDRs. Interestingly enough, no runner used more than 50 cards, but several wished they had done so...